Chapter 5: Distributed and shared memory parallelization

5.1 Distributed memory

1. How to make your MPI code work with Agrif ?

In your Makefile add the keyword -DAGRIF_MPI


MPI initilization

use Agrif_Mpp
call MPI_INIT(status)
call Agrif_MPI_Init()

2. convert local indices

You have to tell Agrif how to convert local indices (on a given proc) into global workspace:

Example: Agrif_Invloc

subroutine Agrif_Invloc ( indloc, procnum, dir, indglob )

        integer, intent(in)  :: indloc   ! local index  (input)

        integer, intent(in)  :: procnum  ! current MPI proc id

        integer, intent(in)  :: dir      ! direction (1,2,3)

        integer, intent(out) :: indglob  ! global index (output)

        select case( dir )

                case(1)   ;   indglob = indloc + ishiftmpi(procnum)

                case(2)   ;   indglob = indloc + jshiftmpi(procnum)

                case(3)   ;   indglob = indloc

        end select

end subroutine Agrif_Invloc

Currently, all grids are integrated sequentially:

sequence \(i_1\)   \(i_2\)   \(i_3\)  
grid \(G_0\) \(\rightarrow\) \(G_1\) \(\rightarrow\) \(G_2\) \(\rightarrow\) ...

For each grid, all processors are used.

Processors utilisation for each grid when grids are integrated sequently







Sister grids (same parent) could be integrated concurently:

sequence \(i_1\)   \(i_2\)  
grid \(G_0\) \(\rightarrow\) \(G_1\) // \(G_2\) \(\rightarrow\) ...

For each sequence, processors are distributed on the grids of same level.

Distribution of processors on the grids of same level





5.2 Shared Memory

Potentially less efficient (currently all the interpolation/restriction work is done by one thread), potential use of nested parallelism is being studied\[2mm]


        Call Agrif_Bc_Variable(u_id,procname=Interp_MyTraceur)