Chapter 2: General organization of an AGRIF code

Example: Main program

program example

        use mod_global

        integer :: i

        call Agrif_Init_Grids()

        call read_config()

        call init() ! initialize the coarse grid

        do i=1,nbsteps

                call Agrif_Step(step) ! is used to integrate the grid hierarchy which is created at the first call


 end program example

2.1 Main AGRIF procedures

They have to be called:

Agrif_Init_Grids() : very first call in the code: initializes Agrif library.

Agrif_Step(step) : integrates the model forward on all grids by calling step() recursively.

They can be called:

Agrif_Regrid() : reads and build grids data structures (called anyway if not explicitly).

Agrif_Step(step) : calls step() recursively on each grid (with time refinement).

Agrif_Step_Child(step) : calls step() recursively on each grid (no time refinement).

Agrif_Step_Childs(step) : calls step() recursively on each child grid of the current Parent grid (no time refinement).

Agrif_Integrate_ChildGrids(step) : calls step() recursively on each child grid of the current Parent grid (with time refinement).

They have to be written by the user:

Agrif_InitWorkspace(): which defines dimensions of the current workspace. It is Called each time the library needs to change the current grid.

Example: Agrif_InitWorkspace

subroutine Agrif_InitWorkspace ()

        use mod_global

        ! compute everything that is related to array sizes

        Nnx = nx + 1

        Nny = ny + 1

end subroutine Agrif_InitWorkspace

Agrif_InitValues: which is the initialization routine called once for each fine grid. Typically it is used to:

  • declare Agrif profiles for interpolation/restriction operations
  • initialize variables (eg: read data from file / interpolation from coarse grid)

Example: Agrif_InitValues()

subroutine Agrif_InitValues()

        call init()

end subroutine Agrif_InitValues


The first call of Agrif_Step() calls Agrif_Regrid() and Agrif_InitValues() on the whole grids and initializes all.

2.2 Integration of the grids hierarchy

There are four subroutines that involve the integration of grid hierarchy: Agrif_Step(), Agrif_Step_Child(), Agrif_Step_Childs() and Agrif_Integrate_ChildGrids() .

2.2.1 Agrif_Step(step)

It calls step() recursively on each grid and takes into account the time refinementfactor.


Description Agrif_Step subroutine with a root grid G0 and a child grid G1 (Time refinement factor = 3)

2.2.2 Agrif_Step_Child(step)

It calls step() recursively on each grid (no time refinement). This subroutine could be used instead of Agrif_Step(step) in order to obtain the same result. In fact, we introduce a call of Agrif_Step_Child(step) at the end of subroutine step().

Example: subroutine step()

subroutine step()
        .      .
        .      .
        .      .
  call agrif_step_child(step)
  call agrif_update_variable(u_id,procname=Update_MyTraceur)

end subroutine step

2.2.3 Agrif_Step_Childs(step)

It calls step() recursively on each child grid of the current Parent grid (no time refinement).

2.2.4 Agrif_Integrate_ChildGrids(step)

It calls step() recursively on each child grid of the current Parent grid (with time refinement). The difference with Agrif_Step(step) is the fact that step() is called only on the childs grids not on the parent grid.

2.3 Auxiliary Agrif functions

Agrif_Root() : indicates if the current grid is the root grid

Agrif_Fixed() : returns the number of the current grid (0 for root)

Agrif_IRhox() : returns the space refinement factor of the current grid

Agrif_IRhot() : returns the time refinement factor of the current grid

Agrif_Nb_Step() : number time steps for current grid

Agrif_Nbstepint() : sub-step number inside parent grid integration

Agrif_Parent(X) : gets the value of X on the parent grid where X is a scalar variable

Example: Set the time for update by using Agrif’s functions

if (two_way.and.(Agrif_Nbstepint() == Agrif_IRhot()-1) ) then

        call Agrif_Update_Variable(Variable_id,procname = update_MyTraceur)
